Form Submissions VS Submissions
Get acquainted with every key in the most recent response payload.
The JSON strings in this page contain data from a single submission that corresponds to a form template with a single field.
Form Submissions
The following JSON string is an example of a response from the old endpoint, List Form Submissions.
Submission details:
- Form Template ID:
- Submission ID:
success: true,
status: 200,
form_template: {},
form_submissions: [
_id: {
$oid: "61e765511c037b4123456789"
metadata: {},
fields: [
id: 0,
title: "Text",
type: "text",
options: [ ],
title_image: [ ],
instructions: "",
metadata: { },
required: false,
hidden: false,
events: [ ],
value: "",
acceptance_value: null
smetadata: {
created_by: {
id: 185,
display_name: "John Smith"
company: {
id: 1
user_role: {
id: 4,
name: "National VP"
distribute_groups: [
id: 4
id: 7
user_distribute_groups: [
id: 4
id: 7
account_distribute_groups: [ ],
time_zone: "America/Los_Angeles",
client_time_zone: "America/Los_Angeles",
user_agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; Pixel 3 Build/SP1A.210812.015; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/97.0.4692.87 Mobile Safari/537.36 zenput:app_version=22.1.0;platform_type=Android;platform_version=12",
platform: "android",
guid: "185-50-1642123456789",
environment: "app",
date_created: {
$date: 1642554676438
date_completed: {
$date: 1642554705002
date_submitted: {
$date: 1642554705599
date_modified: {
$date: 1642554705599
date_created_local: {
$date: 1642525876438
date_completed_local: {
$date: 1642525905002
date_submitted_local: {
$date: 1642525905599
time_to_complete: 28564,
distance_to_account: null,
lat: 37.7777694,
lon: -122.426467,
location_custom_field_order: null,
task: null,
project: null,
accounts: null,
account_tags: null
sort_fields: {},
deleted: 0
has_access: true
Both the following JSON strings are examples of responses from the new endpoint, List Submissions.
Submission details:
- Old Form Template ID:
- New Submission ID:
- Old Submission ID:
- Activity ID:
- Activity Template ID:
The call to get this first response uses the old form template ID.
meta: {
status_code: 200,
count: 23,
next: "",
previous: null
data: [
id: "61e765511c037b4987654321",
legacy_submission_id: "61e765511c037b4123456789",
search_text: "sample search text",
activity: {
id: 98,
name: "Sample Form"
activity_template: {
id: 4886,
name: "Sample Form"
answers: [
field_id: 489,
field_version_id: 580,
value: null,
title: "Text",
field_type: "text",
is_answered: false,
text_value: null
smetadata: {
created_by: {
id: 185,
display_name: "John Smith"
company: {
id: 1,
name: "Company A"
user_role: {
id: 4,
name: "National VP"
time_zone: "America/Los_Angeles",
client_time_zone: "America/Los_Angeles",
user_agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; Pixel 3 Build/SP1A.210812.015; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/97.0.4692.87 Mobile Safari/537.36 zenput:app_version=22.1.0;platform_type=Android;platform_version=12",
platform: "android",
guid: "185-50-1642123456789",
environment: "app",
date_created: "2022-01-19T01:11:16",
date_completed: "2022-01-19T01:11:45",
date_submitted: "2022-01-19T01:11:45",
date_modified: "2022-01-19T01:11:45",
date_created_local: "2022-01-18T17:11:16",
date_completed_local: "2022-01-18T17:11:45",
date_submitted_local: "2022-01-18T17:11:45",
time_to_complete: 28564,
distance_to_account: null,
lat: 37.7777694,
lon: -122.426467,
location_custom_field_order: null,
task: null,
project: null,
location: null,
user_teams: [
id: 4
id: 7
location_teams: [ ],
teams: [
id: 4
id: 7
parent_project: null
The call to get this second response uses the activity ID.
meta: {
status_code: 200,
count: 23,
next: "",
previous: null
data: [
id: "61e765511c037b4123456789",
legacy_submission_id: "61e765511c037b4123456789",
search_text: "sample search text",
activity: {
id: 98,
name: "Sample Form"
activity_template: {
id: 4886,
name: "Sample Form"
answers: [
field_id: 489,
field_version_id: 580,
value: null,
title: "Text",
field_type: "text",
is_answered: false,
text_value: null
smetadata: {
created_by: {
id: 185,
display_name: "John Smith"
company: {
id: 1,
name: "Company A"
user_role: {
id: 4,
name: "National VP"
time_zone: "America/Los_Angeles",
client_time_zone: "America/Los_Angeles",
user_agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; Pixel 3 Build/SP1A.210812.015; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/97.0.4692.87 Mobile Safari/537.36 zenput:app_version=22.1.0;platform_type=Android;platform_version=12",
platform: "android",
guid: "185-50-1642123456789",
environment: "app",
date_created: "2022-01-19T01:11:16",
date_completed: "2022-01-19T01:11:45",
date_submitted: "2022-01-19T01:11:45",
date_modified: "2022-01-19T01:11:45",
date_created_local: "2022-01-18T17:11:16",
date_completed_local: "2022-01-18T17:11:45",
date_submitted_local: "2022-01-18T17:11:45",
time_to_complete: 28564,
distance_to_account: null,
lat: 37.7777694,
lon: -122.426467,
location_custom_field_order: null,
task: null,
project: null,
location: null,
user_teams: [
id: 4
id: 7
location_teams: [ ],
teams: [
id: 4
id: 7
parent_project: null
Both responses contain the same information.
Updated about 2 years ago