IP and DNS Addresses

Operations Execution (Zenput)

Zenput is a complex application composed of several moving pieces, and it is critical that all of these pieces work together to ensure the best experience for people using Zenput, both on web and mobile devices.

Zenput utilizes these pieces for several actions, such as the following:

  • Logging you in and storing your data
  • Keeping all software up to date
  • Providing Zenput engineers with the necessary information about errors and performance to remove any blockers and keep actions running smoothly.

You should add the URLs from the table on this page to the whitelist (ports 80 and 443) in any proxies/firewalls/etc between your Zenput users and the internet.



Skipping any of the these URLs will keep Zenput from working correctly.



As a Zenput customer, we will proactively notify you of any changes to this list of URLs.

Mail server IP addresses:

Email addresses:

Application URLs:

HostnamePurpose application local server
zenput://www.zenput.comiOS app
zenput://localhostAndroid app
https://*.zenput.comApplication/API server
https://*.storage.zenput.comImage server
https://*.auth0.comSSO provider
https://*.ravenjs.comSentry/error tracking
https://*.heapanalytics.comProduct analytics
https://js-agent.newrelic.comNew Relic
https://bam.nr-data.netNew Relic
https://maps.googleapis.comMapping services
http://sensorsgateway.com/Sensor gateway
*.walkme.comProduct walkthrough
s3.walkmeusercontent.comProduct walkthrough

Zenput Temperature Monitoring

To ensure that temperature information from the hardware is being delivered to the Zenput application, please ask your corporate IT department to allow the following:


  • collector.senetco.io
  • docs.senetco.io
  • connect.senetco.io
  • nwk.senetco.io
  • reg.senetco.io
  • sshserver.senetco.io
  • acs.us.zenput.com
  • ds.devicehq.com
443TCPOutboundSensor Messagesconnect.senetco.io


8443TCPOutboundSensor Messagesnwk.senetco.io
1700UDP/TCPOutboundSensor Messagescollector.senetco.io
22TCPOutboundRemote Managementsshserver.senetco.io
80TCPOutboundFirmware Upgradesdocs.senetco.io
123UDPOutboundTime SynchronizationNo specific domain
53UDP/TCPOutboundDomain ResolutionNo specific domain
10301UDP/TCPOutboundRemote Managementacs.us.zenput.com
5798TCPOutboundRemote Managementds.devicehq.com
5799TCPOutboundRemote Managementds.devicehq.com